Categories: PSIC

2015 Letter to PSIC Partners

Dear PSIC Partners,

PSIC is now 3 years old. It is the age when kids are capable to get soy sauce.

What we have achieved

  • We studied another two projects together, including detailed analysis of 2 companies out of 19 candidates. Both projects are about companies at CRL stage.
  • We had a special session on Biosimilar vs Generics.
  • In project 9, we reviewed all previous 8 projects.
  • On behalf of the club, I presented at PKU Bio-Net Symposium in Boston.
  • I shared my research on GWPH, a candidate company selected by Bo Zhou. It is among three candidates he found by keywords "second phase III trial initiated".

Our club

  • Zhou Bo: On Aug 31st 2015, we lost our enthusiastic partner Zhou Bo to depression. PSIC will always remember this nice partner and his courage in biotech equity research.
  • Skype meeting suspended. With the loss of Zhou Bo and lack of equally active partner in club, I suspended Skype meeting in September until further notice. I will focus my efforts in these aspects:
    • Write up what we learned and publish here
    • Setup a fund by 2016
  • I will continue to do research all by myself and share with club. Everyone is welcome to do the same.


  • Bear market: As I speculated in July, the big market may embrace a bear market in 2016. Be careful with your holdings.
  • PSIC Fund: I plan to start my first fund by the end of 2016. It will be about 100-200k USD assets under management. I am looking for 9-19 partners, who will contribute 10k or 20k each. Please let me know if you are interested. I will provide more details by mid-2016.

May the force be with us!

Yi Liu: